On December 24, 2024, a devastating fire tore through Camp 1W in the Kutupalong Rohingya Refugee Camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, leaving behind destruction and despair. Over 4,000 people were displaced, forced to flee with nothing, as homes were reduced to ashes. Tragically, two lives were lost, a 64-year-old and a 7-year-old adding to the unbearable suffering of a community already living in dire conditions.
To prevent the fire from spreading further, residents and responders demolished additional shelters:
Sub-block D01: 69 shelters
Sub-block D02: 6 shelters
Sub-blocks E01 & E05: 25 shelters
Sub-blocks F06 & F07: 14 shelters
Total Shelters Demolished: 114
Re and Educational Structures
Total: 5
Burned Down: 4
Demolished: 1
Community-Based Learning Facilities (CBLF):8 shelters (included in the burned-down list)
Services and Offices Affected
Mukti Learning Centre: 2 buildings destroyed
Offices: 3 offices burned (Handicap International, IRC, and SMS CFRM)
Water and Sanitation Infrastructure
SMS Water Tanks: 5 tanks destroyed
Large Water Tanks (1,000 litres): 3 tanks destroyed
Other Facilities
BRAC Plastic Exchange Shop: 1 shop destroyed
Total Fatalities: 2
A 64-year-old individual
A 7-year-old child
Urgent Needs
The displaced population in the Kutupalong Rohingya Refugee Camp urgently needs emergency tents, shelters, food supplies, and the restoration of clean water infrastructure. In this critical time, your support can make a profound impact, helping to rebuild lives and restore hope to those who have lost everything. Together, we can provide the essential assistance that the Rohingya community desperately needs to recover and rebuild their future.
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection."
(Sahih Al Bukhari 2442)
Your support will help us create a space that accommodates the growing needs of our community, ensuring that every member, young and old, finds solace, guidance, and a sense of belonging within its walls.
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