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We aim to serve all humanity

Gaza Emergency

Food shortages for thousands. £20 provides aid

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Lillah Projects

Cooked Meat for Orphans in India

Animal sacrifice (Qurbani) is a deeply meaningful act of charity, providing a vita...

Lillah Projects

Cooked Meat for Orphans in Uganda

In Uganda, many orphans struggle to find enough food to survive, and with your don...

Lillah Projects

Animal Sacrifice in India

Animal sacrifice, whether through Qurbani, Sadaqah, or Aqiqah, is a significant ac...

Lillah Projects

Animal Sacrifice in Uganda

In Uganda, countless families face hunger and hardship, often struggling to provid...

Lillah Projects

Hifz Orphan Sponsorship in Middle East

By sponsoring an orphan in the Middle East, you become part of the hands that shap...

Lillah Projects

Hifz Orphan Sponsorship in Africa

In Africa, extreme poverty forces millions to struggle for survival, with many lac...


Winter Emergency Appeal

As winter tightens its grip across the Middle East and Asia, millions of families ...


Make a meaningful difference by donating to our Sadaqah Appeals and reap the rewar...


Lebanon Emergency Appeal

Lebanon is engulfed in a humanitarian crisis. Escalating violence has claimed over...


Gaza Emergency

The conflict in Gaza has resulted in a devastating humanitarian crisis. Over 35,00...


Yemen Emergency

Yemen is facing a dire humanitarian crisis, exacerbated by a series of food crises...

Lillah Projects


Donate to our Zakat appeals today and make a meaningful difference in the lives of...